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Groppit will be the new front of the internet!
Instead of bitching about how terrible our Social Medias has become, we decided to just build our own. Reddit is a excellent example of a SoMe gone rogue. It is impossible to have a fair discussion on that platform, because of woke moderation and ADL-horny censuring.
The requirement for Groppit will be what Reddit could have been. A place where like-minded people can get together in groups, to share and discuss.
As the concept is somewhat that of reddit, where everyone can build there own communities, we will on the contrary of reddit enforce a strict 'loose moderation'-policy, which if you can' abide by, your account will be removed.
Do not post porn in any shape or form on this platform. Keep your degenerate lifestyle to yourself. We'll try and build a forum where one can speak and discuss on important issues, not to dwell on filth. If you go to the length of posting child pornography, we will share your information with authorities before removing your account.
Beside's pedos, we likely won't work with authorities. As they are not working for our best intend - Which pretty much any agency in our western nations has proven - We don't see it fit to willingly help them in our demise. For this reason we don't ask for any personal information. We make sure to encrypt your personal communication with other users, so that only the two involved parties in the conversation will be able to access the content of the messages. Agencies may ask, but we have very little to share. Your actions and your IP will be logged on this site though.
If you find illegal content in one of the Groups of Groppit, report it first to the owner and/or administrators of that Group. If these involved parties does not take action on illegal content, do give us a heads-up so that we can take action.
Do NOT contact us if you find content that hurt your feelings. We don't care. Go elsewhere if you don't like the smell in the bakery. The administrators of Groppit is not reliable of the content posted by this sites users. This site is accessible by everyone, and hence it is hard to please every individual, as we all do differ quite a lot in what we find acceptable.
Well.. This site is actually not accessible by everyone, as we block connections from Israel. Jews may use a VPN, which I'm sure they will, but for principle reasons IP's traced back to Israel will be rejected.
Enjoy your stay. Beware the site is messy as of this writing. Updates will come rolling with time, but we might be a few years down the line before this project stands ready, and missing features will be the reality till then.